Gundam 00 Season 2 Episode 9

30 11 2008

They broke the HEAVENS! Take that Kamina!!!

My sword is bigger!

This is why they have to break it up. His anus was bleeding.

Battle of the Brains. We’ll this episode was solely focused on Sumeragi vs Kati and clearly Kati has smaller breast than Sumeragi.  Hence the title. Battle of the Mounds would sound good too but Kati has none; or as bit as Leesa Kujo aka Sumeragi.

What is this? The X-Men?

Please don't touch the Pinata!

Explosive Pinata, I'll have one for my birthday.

Even Revive's beam is light purple.

I like how there’s almost a friends referece. Say Leesa Kujo and it sounds like Lisa Kudrow. I mean WTF? Right?

Orly? My brother died? Am I suppose to be sad now?

Back to the episode. Mediocre but it was clear now who the CB is really dealing with. It happens to be the circus clowns from Kalamazoo, Michigan. That said Ribbons is ruthlessly annoying the CB providing reinforcement(Revive and a more suits to come). Well in this episode CB wanted to reach the heavens from the sea and touch the sky. A sky Kanye hasn’t touched….

Holy shit you are fucking ugly! I mean Mr. Bushido.

We learn a couple of things in this episode. We learned that Billy is not a mole guy; he’s a titguy to say the least. We learn that Trans-AM can be used by the ‘tolemy. We learn that Al Sharpton is black. We learn that Ali is still a dickhead. And most importantly Gundam 00 is a cowboy who was casted off “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.” Why? Well Clint was just that much better.

Office linebacker ran through here.

See guys no boobs. Yet he looks like a transgendered feminist.


Pretty nice for a glorified buttplug.

Exciting fight in the beginning and it just kept on going until they have to break it up. Overall OK episode, exciting one to watch. That’s about it, im off to finish off my AMV that is taking a fortune; not really im just taking my time being lazy. CIAO!