Linebarrels of Irons Episode 4

28 10 2008

Ouch! My earring.

Dun, dun, dun. What a surprising episode. Did not expect anything like that to happen this soon. So for all the Yajima fan girls. Too bad, he was a shitty character anyways.

WTF? Oversized head?

A beach was made inside the JUDA’s base, they prefer the synthetic material over the real Hawaii sand and volcanoes. Plot wise, this was an episode in which we see an emo kid try to turn it around but it just turned for the worst. Cootchy is now angrier than ever, but he has a reason to really go NIRVANA against everyone.

Look at your head? Its massive.

What's bigger boobs or her head?

She would be considered LOLI, her head is too big. Reminds me of Sailor Moon.

Hawaii. Aloha

Juda’s boss on the other hand likes to wear Hawaiian shirts that was made by Jews. This guy comes from wearing awesome looking suit and acting all serious. When he wear the Jewish made Hawaiian shirt, he looked like a hotel attendant.

Emo Mode! Rick James Bitch!

When Cootchy feels the angst. He beats up people and more people and eventually Yajima. The above caps was his warm-up for Yajima’s ass whoopin’.

Enrique Iglesias.

Yajima is really overpowered by Cootchy. The guy just flipped, kicked, punched and flipped, kicked, punced him over and over again. Superman vs Batman; the Dark Knight with a handicap.

EVA unit 07

Some random mecha looking to get rape. So went after Linebarrel and eventually got destroyed by a berserking Cootchy. and it led to this and that. and they finally blew Cootchy to bits.

Oh, that was quick.

As you can see, Yajima was beaten up very badly.

If you thought they were gay before, think again?!?

Looks kinda cross eyed.

Gundam Freedom?

During Cootchy’s berserk mode, ala SEED/SD he made Linebarrel do this and his eyes were gloomier than ever. It was like someone poured a liter of acid to his brain and just went bananas.